Investor Relations

Change In Boardroom
BackDec 18, 2012
Date of change 01/01/2013
Name Dato' Wong Sie Young
Age 53
Nationality Malaysian
Type of change Appointment
Designation Chief Executive Officer
Directorate Executive
Qualifications Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.
University of Arkansas, USA (1984) 
Working experience and occupation Dato' Wong has been working with the Group for 25 years and has extensive experience and knowledge in the Group's activities. He joined the Group in 1987 and has been involved in the designing and setting up of all the timber processing plants. In the last decade when the Group began diversifying aggressively into the oil palm business, he was again entrusted to oversee the construction projects at the oil palm estates and was involved in the designing and construction of all the palm oil mills. Details of his working experience and occupation are as follows:-

2006-2012: General Manager of Engineering Department, involving in the planning of the corporate objectives and policies of the Group and managing the Group’s engineering research and developments, projects and new products’ developments, and planning, execution, operation and maintenance of all engineering faculties;

2002-2012: oversee the construction projects at the oil palm estates and was involved in the designing and construction of all the palm oil mills;

2001-2006: Manager of Engineering Department and promoted to Senior Manager in July 2004 managing the Electrical, Civil and Mechanical Engineering divisions. His new job scope also covered plant maintenance and upgrading existing machineries to improve efficiency. He was instrumental in the introduction of environmental-friendly log peeling technology and obtaining various plywood certifications such as CE Marking(EU), JAS (Japanese), CARB (USA) and Wood Packaging Material Treatment Provider Certificate for the Group’s plywood operations;

1997-2001: Factory Operation Manager of 2 manufacturing factories overseeing daily factory operations, planning and development of production and human resources of factories. In 2000, he was assigned to lead the SAP Materials Management Module implementation in Phase I and again for the Production and Planning Module in Phase II; and

1987-1997: Electrical Engineer responsible for the planning, designing and implementation of power generation, transmission and distribution for the factories. He was also involved in the designing and setting up of all the timber processing plants.
Directorship of public companies (if any) Nil 
Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer Nil 
Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer Nil 
Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries Direct Interest – 453,975 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each representing 0.05% of the total issued and paid-up capital of the Company. 

Remarks :
The Board's composition after the change of directors effective 1 January 2013 will be as follows:-
(1) Gen (Rtd) Tan Sri Abdul Rahman Bin Abdul Hamid - Independent Non-Executive Chairman
(2) Dato' Sri Tiong Chiong Hoo - Executive Deputy Chairman
(3) Dato' Wong Sie Young - Chief Executive Officer
(4) Dato' Sri Dr Tiong Ik King - Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
(5) Mdm Tiong Choon- Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
(6) Mr Tiong Chiong Hee - Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
(7) Mr John Leong Chung Loong - Independent Non-Executive Director
(8) Ms Wong Lee Yun - Independent Non-Executive Director
(9) Datuk Talib Bin Haji Jamal - Independent Non-Executive Director

This announcement is dated 18 Dec 2012.


Announcement Info

Stock Name JTIASA    
Date Announced 18 Dec 2012  
Category Change in Boardroom
Reference No JT-121217-75433