Investor Relations

Year 2000(Y2K) Disclosure By Public Listed Companies
BackJul 21, 1999
General Announcement
Reference No JT-990716-55495
Stock Name : JTIASA
Date Announced : 21/07/1999

Type : Announcement

Contents :

We refer to your letter of 1st July 1999 (Ref: LHY/SR/HTM/MF/LD8/99) and are pleased to provide the Exchange with the following information:-

1. Details of your company and subsidiaries' progress in relation to its activities to address the Y2K issue .

- Y2K ready.

2. The impact of the Y2K issue if your company and/or subsidiaries fail to be Y2K ready or are unable to achieve full readiness by the estimated date(s) mentioned above.

- No impact. With regards to the our operation, minimal disruption in production and delivery may occur, as manufacturing is mostly mechanical in nature and shipping arrangement is mainly delivery Free On Board, i.e., the shipping is arranged by the customer.

3. The exposure of your company and/or subsidiaries to third parties who have material business relationships with your company or subsidiaries in relation to the third parties' Y2K readiness .

- Yes. Our Y2K Taskforce has been working closely with key suppliers of materials, goods and services and have also received written guarantees from them that we will not be affected by Millennium Bug related problems on their side. Further, current dealings with third party providers are very manual oriented, i.e.; communication is through fax and phone. The areas of most likely exposure are essential services (power, water, and telecommunication), banking and shipping. As these areas are somewhat beyond our control, we have requested and have received written assurances from these external parties that their services to us will not be interrupted by Millennium Bug related problems.

4. The total cost your company and subsidiaries have incurred or is expected to incur to address the Y2K issue .

- RM700,000-00

5. Describe your company and subsidiaries' contingency plans in relation to the Y2K issue to ensure continued operations .

- Yes. Although wehave adequately addressed the Y2K issue by December 1998, themanagement will continue to review the situation in order to minimize exposure. However, there is still inherent risk that is beyond our control. Nevertheless, we are prepared to face unforeseen situations caused by the completely new and unique Millennium Bug. We have Taskforce teams set up to handle different aspect of operations such as protection of information, team to handle failure and breakdown of system and team to handle supply chain integrity. A briefing will be conducted waybefore Millennium Date so that all staff are prepared on what to expect and how to handle situation.