Investor Relations

General Announcement reference No Jt-031208-52899 company name : jaya tiasa holdings Bhd stock Name : Jtiasa date Announced : 08/12/2003 type : Announcement subject : logs production for the month of november 2003 contents : The Board Of Directors Of Jaya Tiasa Holdings Berhad Is Pleased To Announce That the Logs Production of the Group For The Month Of November 2003 Was 56,665.61 M3.
BackDec 09, 2003
Notice of Shares Buy Back - Immediate Announcement
Reference No JT-031209-61358
Stock Name : JTIASA
Date Announced : 09/12/2003

Date of buy back : 09/12/2003
Description of shares purchased : Ordinary shares of RM1.00 each
Total number of shares purchased (units) : 6,000
Minimum price paid for each share purchased (RM) : 3.300
Maximum price paid for each share purchased (RM) : 3.300
Total consideration paid (RM) : 19,946.72
Number of shares purchased retained in treasury (units) : 6,000
Number of shares purchased which are proposed to be cancelled (units) : 0
Cumulative net outstanding treasury shares as at to-date (units) : 21,774,200
Adjusted issued capital after cancellation
(no. of shares) (units)
Remarks :